New Navigation Area for Subscribers

Update from Care Opinion Ireland

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Care Opinion is delighted to announce the arrival of the new mobile-friendly navigation area for staff which will soon be available for all users in Ireland. We call it "the drawer".

The drawer brings with it something else which is new: story notes. If you are signed in and looking at a story, you might notice this panel in the drawer:

The notes panelThis is the notes panel. Here, you can add a note to the story, or assign the story to another subscription member.

Adding notes

To add a note, enter the note in the text box and select the [Add note] button.

Any subscription member can add a note, and see the notes added by others, like this:

Notes panel with two notes

The notes you add don't become public.

You can use the notes panel in any way which makes the most sense in your subscription.

Assigning a story

You can also use the notes panel to assign a story. To do this, choose another member from the list, optionally add a note, and select the [Add note] button.

When you do this, we send an email to the member you selected to let them know the story is assigned to them. If you added a note along with the assignment, that will be included in the email.

The drawer will show that the story is assigned to the member you selected.

You, or any other member, can reassign the story to someone else at any time.

Assigning a story doesn't prevent anyone from doing anything they could already do, or grant any new abilities. It simply communicates that responsibility has been placed with a person. Exactly what that responsibility entails is up to you and your team to decide.

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One response to this post

Response from Jane Danforth, Involvement Team, Involvement & Experience, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust on 14 Nov 2018 at 15:55

I've posted an article on our Notts. Healthcare Intranet about it and tried it out myself on a story.  

The potential is huge and can be used in a variety of ways.

I've learnt already that it improves communication between staff.

Thank you James

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